Friday afternoon news dumps are always revealing, and that includes last week’s Treasury Department clarification of US sanctions on Russian banks. Don’t buy the Biden administration’s line that it’s pulling out the stops against Russia.
The president continues to insist he’s “enforcing the most significant package of economic sanctions in history” against Vladimir Putin’s regime. Some Biden loyalists are even veering toward hagiography. Connecticut’s Chris Murphy bragged last week on the Senate floor that Mr. Biden’s “stunning” diplomacy had produced “a sanctions package that is sweeping, that is unprecedented, that is breaking the back of the Russian economy.” The press nods along.
The reality is far different, which accounts for rising frustration in Congress — and growing divisions between even Democrats and the White House. The administration refused to impose sanctions in the lead-up to Mr. Putin’s invasion, naively trusting diplomacy. Yet even after Russian tanks rolled — and despite having months to prepare — the response has been slow, timid, hostage to feel-good “multilateralism” and unwilling to attack the real engine of the Russian economy: energy. Even the president’s own party is losing patience with his inadequate sanctions.
When they actually do hit Putin’s oil, his wallet will get hit too!
He has been shown to have done what President Trump was acquitted of!
Communist Bastard!
Biden has done NOTHING !!! Europe did it all !!!!!
Remember luciferians speak in reverse..what they accused Trump of is what they themselves HAVE DONE!! Putin is bidens stooge to destroy the hunter bread crump trail leading to the big guy and his parties theft machine…destroy the evidence and witnesses.