Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has asked for foreigners to come help fight off Russia, promising to give them weapons and glory.
Zelensky also maintained that Kyiv and other key places remain under his control.
“We successfully fought off enemy attacks. We are defending our country, our land, future of our children,” Zelensky said. “Kyiv and key places near the capital are under our control. The occupiers wanted to capture our capital and install their puppets like Donetsk. We broke their idea.”
“Anyone who wants to come over here and defend our country, please come, and we will give you arms,” he continued. “Anybody defends will have been glorified.”
Crickets from Hollywood and politicians…
NOT Our Fight !!!!! Keep Our Troops here for a change !!!!
We lost too many in Afghanistan !!!! No Thanks !!!!!
Don’t hold his breath !!! he needs to surrender to the Larger Forces !!!!!!
majority of lazy americans wont even fight for their own freedoms!
NOT OUR WAR !!!!!! We have Lost Too Many Americans fighting Other’s Battles !!!!! Fix OUR Country !!!