(Cover photo by Ben Garrison at Grrr Graphics)
With corrupt politicians and a corrupt media, it’s difficult to know what really is going on in Ukraine and what actions the US should take. Is the US response going to be based on what is best for the US or what is best for corrupt politicians and the media?
With all going on in Ukraine, do US politicians really have the best interests of the US as their goal or are they more interested in their own fortunes?
(We shared the following post on February 10, 2020, based on our prior work)
Smoke Screen to keep us from focusing on Durham investigations
With our corrupt President, the U.S. response is going to be in favor of the corrupt politicians and media, absolutely no doubt.
Democrats making Themselves RICH just like the other Wars !!!!!! Spotlight off themselves !!!!
What is best for the US concerning Ukraine is…………..T R U M P !!!!
TRUMP & OAN news !!!!! Best for America !!!!!
Wag the Dog