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PEOPLE Become the PLAGUE: Globalist Depopulationist Bill Gates Developing Needle-Less “Vaccine” That Spreads Like a Virus

New research funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aims to develop a needle-less vaccine that can spread like a virus rather than have to be injected, leaving no way for anyone to remain unvaccinated.

The goal is to create a vaccine that people “catch” without their consent, and without the need for any injections. The vaccine would be passed from one person to the next like a cold, in other words.

A paper on the subject claims that contagious vaccines will be slightly less deadly than traditional injections, “but not non-lethal: they can still kill.”

“Some people will die who would otherwise have lived, though fewer people die overall,” it further explains. “The other issue is there is no consent (for vaccination) from the majority of patients.”


4 thoughts on “PEOPLE Become the PLAGUE: Globalist Depopulationist Bill Gates Developing Needle-Less “Vaccine” That Spreads Like a Virus”

  1. And, you cheerleading goofballs think VOTING is going to change anything??
    The people you vote for have about as much influence over this as the people in Kansas have over the path of a tornado.

    They have their own plan for us and our consent and approval are NOT part of that plan. He just admitted it to the whole world.
    Those in favor of “depopulation” by actually giving us drugs (without our knowledge or permission AND ADMITTING that some will die that would have lived otherwise) should be required to execute two family members on TV. CLOSE family — like wives and children (because they don’t seem to mind sacrificing YOUR children, that’s plainly evident).
    Like all democrats, they want YOU to die, not them. THEY are much too important than the serfs they gladly sentence to the roulette wheel of their global plans for depopulation.
    That’s NOT “conspiracy” theory and Gates himself just said so.
    Still cheerleading??
    Better get ready for the coming revolution.

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