President Joe Biden tried to come off as tough and resolute in his remarks on Vladimir Putin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. He failed.
Sanctioning Putin personally “is on the table.” Why leave it sitting there?
Kicking Russia out of SWIFT, the key global transaction system, is “not the position that the rest of Europe wants to take,” but the sanctions the West is imposing are “of equal consequence.”
Translation: Europe intends to go back to buying its energy from Russia as soon as the dust clears. With notable exceptions, those nations are still playing appeasers.
Putin will get away with conquering his free, democratic neighbor.
Biden has his own limits on energy: He says he’ll strive to “protect American families and businesses from rising prices at the pump.” That translates to agreeing not to cut Russia out of the global marketplace that ultimately determines energy prices.
And makes a mockery of his claim that he’s hitting Putin with the “biggest consequences in history.”
Bizarrely, he also warned the US energy sector: “Don’t exploit this crisis to raise prices.” That is: He’s won’t reverse his own drive to restrict that sector, but will keep pretending that corporate greed is the problem.
Putin Knows it , so does China , NK , Iran & the rest !!!!
Idiot Biden SCARES NO -ONE !!!!! Nor Does Pelosi & the Rest of the COUP !!!!!!