It looks like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau just blinked big time in his fight with the Freedom Convoy over COVID mandates.
Trudeau is now backing down and has revoked the Emergencies Act that he called on Feb. 14, and that he just asked the House of Commons to pass on Monday. As we reported earlier, he needed approval from the nation’s Senate and it looked like a lot of the senators had big questions about passing it. I’m thinking it means that he got tipped that he wasn’t going to get it past the Senate, so it was better to revoke it rather than be embarrassed when they shot it down.
As we also noted , he was getting a lot of criticism from around the world, such as from the Romanian member of the European Parliament Cristian Terhes who called him a “tyrant,” and compared him to a Communist dictator.
Trudeau’s polls had also gone straight into the toilet. A poll from four days ago found more Canadians opposed the Act than were for it, and the Conservatives have gained 10 points in polling because they have been against it and for the rights of the protesters.
The Emergencies Act measure included things like freezing people’s bank accounts for the ‘crime’ of donating 20 dollars to the Freedom Convoy, and conscripting tow truck drivers, forcing them to work for the government to clear out the protesters in Ottawa.
Now, cheerleaders, right before your eyes, is THE playbook for western leaders. Trudeau, the sophisticated, calm, reasoned leader is now unleashing the Gestapo on his OWN CITIZENS. For daring to question his idiocy.
A wolf in a three-piece suit. A wanna be Hitler.
It goes like this —
Denigrate and humiliate everyone who opposes your idea. Use the TV and social media to ridicule the stupidity and selfishness of anyone who disagrees. Don’t let ANY opposing ideas see the light of day or be allowed to be seen on any media outlets of any kind.
Ridicule any of their supporters, too, and do it quickly so they will eventually decide to stop.
Anyone who has not learned their lesson yet gets some up close and personal attention from the police, the FBI, and the IRS. “Leaked” information appears. Innuendo about their integrity arises.
Send SWAT teams (along with CNN cameras) to record the police swooping in at 2am to corral a 75 year old man in his underwear while helicopters and dozens of armed men show the REST OF US what we will face if we don’t start seeing it their way.
When THAT doesn’t cower all the opposition, start doxing them and harassing their family.
If they still won’t stop, freeze their bank accounts, confiscate money and property and force them to bankrupt themselves to defend themselves against these Nazi tactics.
Canada has even taken it a step further — they announce that they will pursue (for MONTHS!!) EVERYONE who had ANYTHING to do with this protest. If you held a sign that said you supported the truckers, your picture is taken, run through facial recognition, and the next thing you know, your checks stop clearing the bank and your employer terminates you because HE is also a target of the Gestapo now, just because he gave you a job.
You goof ball cheerleaders.
YOUR “leaders” are just a step or two away from being dictators and tyrants.
Revolution is coming. No question.
Soon, you won’t make enough money to buy groceries. Some are already at that point.
The mortgage? The bank will take your house, too.
When your kids are hungry, your money is gone, and your family is sleeping in the car (if you still have one), will you THEN still be cheering your “leaders” as they appear on TV in $1500 suits and attend $25,000 a plate dinners?
AND, tell YOU, “We are working on it”.
What you think they are “working on” is NOT what THEY are actually “working on”.
Oh, I forgot one part of their plan…..disarm you and call you redneck trash and racist hillbillies for having any guns.
We have our own plan, however.
Call it the “Jefferson Mandate”.
Kill every one of them.
And as a reminder, Mr. States Attorney, Jefferson said that FIRST.
I’m not sure I can be arrested for quoting one of the greatest political minds in OUR HISTORY.
I’ll take a jury trial, defend myself and won’t settle for less than 10 million.
Think about that. lol.