‘Too bad no one’s called him on it. And not just because politicians should have their fibs exposed’
The editor of RealClearMarkets has revealed a “monster whopper” told by Joe Biden that “both sides missed.”
In a report at Real Clear Markets, John Tamny, who also is vice president at FreedomWorks and a senior fellow at the Market Institute, cited Biden’s claim, just days ago, that he “grew up in a family where the price at the pump was felt in the kitchen.”
But, the report explained, “Biden didn’t grow up in a family burdened by gasoline price spikes, and not just because he’s long overstated the humble circumstances he emerged from.”
Despite Biden’s latest fib, the report explained, “Biden didn’t endure food shortages related to pricey gasoline simply because he was born in 1942. When Biden was growing up, the price of gasoline was flat. And it was cheap.”
He Only Knows Monster Whoppers !!!!!!
And Always gets away with them !!! Like all Democrats
WIPE that Smirk off his face with a IMPEACHMENT !!!!!
IMPEACH this Democrat STOOGE !!!!! Pelosi Puppet