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Berlin’s Property Tax Revenues Increase

BERLIN–  Town officials kicked off the budget process with a review of department needs and projected revenues.

The Berlin Town Council on Monday held a budget work session to begin reviewing financial projections for the coming fiscal year. The town’s revenues are set to increase $143,948 if the tax rate remains $0.815 per $100 of assessed value.

“It’s pretty evident our assessable base has grown,” Mayor Zack Tyndall said.

Finance Director Natalie Saleh explained that if the tax rate was not adjusted, the town would receive $3,924,509 in property tax revenues—up from the $3,780,561 received last year.

Saleh included projections in her presentation that showed how much the revenue would increase with different tax rates. A rate of $0.82 would bring in $311,973 in extra revenue while a rate of $0.84 would bring in $408,280.


3 thoughts on “Berlin’s Property Tax Revenues Increase”

  1. Off Topic. Why are surrounding fire departments always called into Salisbury to assist? It’s standard to call 3 departments when there is any type of structure fire. Salisbury has 3 departments so why do they always need more assistance from local fire departments and also other EMS units? Maybe they should have kept their volunteers. Seems like they need them since they are again relying on volunteers to do their jobs.

  2. I feel sorry for Berlin

    in tbe near future, they will build section 8 homes on defunct farms in the area….

    Welcome to the new generation on our future

  3. It is the MAIN JOB for politicians.

    Raise taxes, fees, fines, “permits”, and surcharges .

    Instead of doing what “We, the People” do when money is short (adjust our finances and behavior accordingly), THEY raise the “take” from the citizens they are SUPPOSED to “serve”.

    They spend money and maintain public finances in ways that THEY would put YOU in PRISON (not jail, PRISON) for and you just cheer them like they are saving the whales from extinction.

    Hang them all. On TV. And make their families watch so their children will understand that they SHOULD NOT want to follow in Daddie’s footsteps.
    That’s NOT “radical”.
    What’s radical is 30 TRILLION DOLLARS in debt.
    What’s radical is making “We, the people” slowly lose everything we have from YOUR MISMANAGEMENT of our money. OUR money!!
    Before we hang them, beat them bloody.
    History will thank us.
    If we don’t, most of America will be living outside and riding bikes.
    And feeding their kids squirrels and rabbits (while supplies last, of course).
    Revolution, people. It’s the ONLY WAY to stop them.
    You’ve already seen how great voting works, so don’t suggest we get better candidates.
    They’d STILL BE politicians. Waiting to get hung.

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