Imagine parents finding their teenage sons dead in their beds in the morning with no prior indications that they were seriously ill. Imagine the heartache of parents who bought into the coercion and propaganda to get their kids vaccinated despite all the CDC data showing little risk of serious health impacts from COVID for children. Their kids died in their sleep shortly after getting the shots (more on this tragedy below).
An excellent article in June 2021 was titled: “If COVID-19 vaccines can cause heart inflammation, caution should be warranted in those at risk.” It said: “Although most cases reported to date are mild and resolve without consequence, myocarditis can be a serious condition. It can cause severe declines in cardiac function; require hospitalization, artificial heart pumps, or even heart transplants; and may even be fatal.”
The physician authors noted, “Yet as health care providers, we should not give the impression of minimizing serious complications like myocarditis in potentially at-risk individuals.” But who is at risk? It now seems clear that young males are at risk. Less clear is which adults are at risk, except we know it is men who are at most risk.