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Pelosi Instructs U.S. Athletes To Not ‘Speak Out’ During Olympics Against Communist China’s Genocide

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) instructed U.S. athletes to not “speak out” against communist China’s human rights abuses during the Winter Olympics because it might make China angry.

“I would say to our athletes — you are there to compete,” Pelosi said in part during testimony before the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. “Do not risk incurring the anger of the Chinese government because they are ruthless. I know there is a temptation on the part of some to speak out while they are there, I respect that. But, I also worry about what the Chinese government might do to their reputations, to their families.”

Bloomberg News reported:

The commission’s hearing on the eve of opening ceremonies for the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing was organized as a platform for Pelosi and several activists to highlight China’s human rights record, including reports of forced labor and acts of genocide against the Uyghur ethnic community in the Xinjiang region as well as suppression of democratic protests in Hong Kong and religious repression of Tibet’s Buddhists.

Pelosi encouraged the athletes to “be safe.”


9 thoughts on “Pelosi Instructs U.S. Athletes To Not ‘Speak Out’ During Olympics Against Communist China’s Genocide”

  1. Yes. Absolutely one of the enumerated duties of the Speakerette is to instruct the Olympic team to mind their manners when traveling to despotic countries enamored of forced labor, and cheap labor on behalf of overpriced shoe and cell phone companies. Bravo, Nancy! Upholding the proudest traditions of your corrupt Bawlmer forbears!

  2. WHO the Hell does she think she is ???? Not her Place to say any such thing & she can stick it where the sun
    don’t shine !!!!

    She is Communist !!!!

  3. That old drunken hag… who the hell is she to tell anybody what to say or do…I think the formaldehyde in her that preserves that stupid startled look on her face is leaking out!

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