If a person gives bad advice, over and over, at what point should the person taking all that advice stop taking it? That is the question that begs an answer at this point during the pandemic, as all the advice coming from the CDC and Fauci has been dead wrong, all along. Two solid years of bad advice that has cost trillions of dollars and millions of lives, not to mention wrecked businesses, ruined marriages and innocent children who are now maimed for life from the toxic “vaccines.”
Bad advice just keeps on coming down from the CDC, and 200 million Americans just keep on taking it
All the advice from Fauci and the CDC has been dead wrong. Lockdowns were an utter failure. Virus particles are smaller than all the masks everyone is wearing, so those are useless, plus the masks cause bacterial infections of the mouth, throat and lungs. Social distancing never worked, and it doesn’t now. The vaccines, we were all told, would stop the transmission of Covid, according to the oldest myth in the book–herd theory. That failed miserably.
It’s now the vaccinated who are catching and spreading Covid the most.
Then the CDC said the vaccines (even though they’re not even really vaccines) would keep you from getting a “severe case” of Covid, but that was wrong also. What’s worse is the vaccinated who catch Covid and check into hospitals rarely ever check out, as 84 percent of the people put on ventilators DIE within four days.
Promoted as ‘safe and effective’ vaccines against SARS-CoV2, these mRNA gene therapies have a more sinister purpose than meets the eye.
Military lawyer and disabled rights advocate Todd Callender made shocking discoveries when working on a case for service members who didn’t want the experimental injections.
Through his research, Callender claims genetic changes from the COVID-19 jabs will technically create a new human ‘species’ under the law.
Since you cannot patent something in nature, by legal definition, synthetic genomes induced by mRNA gene therapies make vaccinated individuals intellectual property.
While this sounds like an extremely far-fetched concept, Callender presents the documents to back up the mind-blowing claims.
only one reason for this level of ignorance. They are foolish for trusting government!
Trust in God not man!