More people died in Michigan in 2020 than were born for the first time since 1900 after Covid-19 dramatically increased the number of deaths in the state.
Preliminary data from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services shows that in 2020 117,087 people died in Michigan, which was more than the 104,166 births recorded.
The state’s death rate was driven up in 2020 by 11,362 Covid-19 deaths, six percent higher than the 99,000 annual deaths the state was averaging for the last few years prior, although demography experts said even without the pandemic the state was likely to hit a similar death rate within the next few years, Detroit News reported.
Preliminary data shows that in 2020 117,087 people died in Michigan, which was more than the 104,166 births recorded in the state
You mean the murder rate in Detroit wasn’t a contributor?
Looks as if the Fauci vaccines are doing what they are intended to do, kill people.