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World Food Competition Qualifier Coming To OC

OCEAN CITY – Officials say a World Food Championships seafood qualifier event is coming to this year’s Trade Expo.

On Sunday, March 6, six local chefs will go head to head for a chance to win a “Golden Ticket” to compete in this year’s World Food Championships, held in Dallas.

Officials say the seafood qualifier event will be the first ever held at the annual Ocean City Spring Trade Expo, which returns to the Roland E. Powell Convention Center March 6-7.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for our region as typically these types of events are in large cities,” said Susan Jones, executive director for the Ocean City Hotel-Motel-Restaurant Association (OCHMRA). “So I was thrilled that they considered having it as part of our Expo.”

Jones said a chance to host the seafood qualifier event was made possible through OCHMRA’s partnership with the Restaurant Association of Maryland (RAM), which has been a state partner of the World Food Championships for three years.


1 thought on “World Food Competition Qualifier Coming To OC”

  1. oc is already a champion at importing cheap labor and getting the taxpayer to subsidize the businesses down there!

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