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Suspected Houston Cop Killer Is an Illegal Alien, So Mainstream Media Is Ignoring It

The foreign invasion of our sovereign land continues to leave a body count. The latest illegal alien arrested for capital murder is accused of killing a cop. In a sane world with an honest corporate media, this would be headline news. Instead, it’s being completely ignored by the networks and mainstream media news channels.

According to the NY Post:

Oscar Rosales, 51, was arrested by Mexican authorities Wednesday in the border town of Ciudad Acuña and turned over to American officials.

Rosales is charged with capital murder for allegedly shooting Harris County Constable Charles Galloway through the windshield of his squad car during a Houston traffic stop early Sunday morning.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed to Fox News Thursday that Rosales was not a US citizen and had not been in the country legally.

Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg declined to comment on Rosales immigration status, but said the Honduran, Guatemalan and El Salvadorian governments had been notified of his capture.


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