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Proposed Slaughterhouse Text Amendment Delayed

NEWARK – Discussion of a text amendment that would allow farmers to butcher and sell beef has been delayed.

Though the Worcester County Planning Commission was set to consider a text amendment next week that would allow livestock farms to slaughter, package and sell beef, the item has been pulled from the agenda.

Mark Cropper, the attorney representing the applicant, asked county staff to continue the matter until a later date so that his client could review the information submitted by opponents of the text amendment.

“He needs time to review everything and have researched a variety of issues,” Cropper wrote in an email to county staff this week. “There simply isn’t time to do so between now and the scheduled hearing date.”

The text amendment submitted to the county has been proposed by Newark resident Bob Ewell, who wants to sell beef from the cattle he raises on his Croppers Island Road farm. According to county staff, agriculturally zoned land can be used to raise and sell livestock, and can be used for roadside stands offering processed agricultural products for sale. Staff determined when Ewell inquired last year that it cannot be used for the slaughtering of livestock.


2 thoughts on “Proposed Slaughterhouse Text Amendment Delayed”

  1. Stop the senseless slaughter of our cows! They are cruelly killed in slaughter houses throughout the US where they are lead into a chute, then a hydraulic operated iron hammer is released with such force smashing the cow in it’s forehead thus killing it! The cow immediately drops down suffering and convulsing it’s body from this traumatic force! Let the cows live, PETA says so!!!!

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