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HISTORIC! Over 50,000 Truckers Join Freedom Convoy Through Canada Protesting COVID Mandates – Massive Crowds of Canadians Show Up In Support

An estimated 50,000 Canadian truckers are traveling across Canada in a massive caravan protesting the COVID mandates.

Conservative Treehouse reported on this historic event.

The Canadian ‘Freedom Convoy’ of truckers, pushing back against COVID mandates, forced vaccinations and government regulations, began late last week and has gained incredible support from the public.  It is very challenging to put the scale of this grassroots effort into an adequate context.

The fundraiser for the effort now exceeds $5.5 million dollars and still climbing.  It is now estimated that over 50,000 vehicles are participating in the convoy effort, and the Canadian Dept of Transportation is doing everything possible to stop, block and impede the assemblies.

Yahoo News reported more on the caravan:

A convoy of truck drivers continued to travel across Canada on Wednesday, January 26, to protest “government mandates” including COVID-19 vaccine regulations for crossing the Canada-United States border, according to local news reports.


3 thoughts on “HISTORIC! Over 50,000 Truckers Join Freedom Convoy Through Canada Protesting COVID Mandates – Massive Crowds of Canadians Show Up In Support”

  1. Lots of Live Streams on Youtube , you really need to see this, US Truckers have also joined this fight, from what I gather DC is the next stop.
    Here is something else you need to check out on Youtube Kid Rock has released a new song called
    We The People, warning this has strong language in it but is worth listening to.

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