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EXCLUSIVE: Many Ignored Crimes Committed by Members of the Patriot Front Provide More Evidence It is a Government Sponsored Group

The US government-sponsored Patriot Front has committed numerous crimes but is given a pass.  This is more evidence that this group is backed by the US government. 

Yesterday we provided evidence for the Patriot Front group being a government-sponsored domestic terrorist group.  We even identified a couple of individuals in the group.

Today we have evidence that the group is committing crimes but the government is giving them a pass.  This is more evidence that the group is connected to the US government.  

1 One item that connects the group to the US government is related to the equipment that they use to communicate with.  The group is using Bao Feng devices which are used with 2-way radios.  These are fairly cheap and are capable of broadcasting on various frequencies. It’s not illegal to have one, nor use it, but there are laws with regard to how it is used and on which frequencies. Anyone can broadcast on FRS frequencies at 2W or less. For GMRS an FCC license is required (fill out a form and pay a nominal fee). HAM does require a license and passing a difficult test. Listening to these frequencies is not illegal nor restricted. And the Handy Talkies themselves are not illegal, but they can be used illegally by broadcasting on frequencies you’re not licensed to (or cursing or not mentioning your call sign every 5-10 min, etc…).

The fine for using these devices without a license is not cheap (approximately $20k).  The Patriot Front uses these devices.  The fact that the members of the Patriot Front have not been arrested for using the devices tells us that the group only uses them on FRS frequencies or 2-way or they use them for GMRS and HAM and the US government is involved.*


1 thought on “EXCLUSIVE: Many Ignored Crimes Committed by Members of the Patriot Front Provide More Evidence It is a Government Sponsored Group”

  1. That just tells you that they are Democratic Feds because if they were conservative in any way, shame or form they would have been prosecuted.

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