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Biological Man, 26, Who Molested Girl To Be Housed With Females In Juvenile Detention After Identifying As Woman

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department

A biological male who now claims to identify as a woman was sentenced this week to two years in a juvenile detention center, where he’ll reportedly be housed with females, for molesting a 10-year-old girl in a women’s bathroom.

Hannah Tubbs, formerly James Tubbs, pleaded guilty to molesting the girl in a women’s bathroom eight years ago, when Tubbs was two weeks from turning 18, Fox News reported Thursday. It was only after Tubbs was taken into custody that he began identifying as a woman, prosecutors said.

Notably, Tubbs wasn’t connected to the case until 2019.

Tubbs will “be housed with females in juvenile detention facility for molesting female child,” reported senior editor for Fox News Digital Peter Hasson. “Tubbs began identifying as female after being taken into custody. DA refused to try as adult.”

“In L.A. County, juvenile facilities can house both females and males, but in separate areas. Tubbs will be housed with the females,” a Fox News report elaborated.


8 thoughts on “Biological Man, 26, Who Molested Girl To Be Housed With Females In Juvenile Detention After Identifying As Woman”

  1. Hopefully he can experience an episode or two in the lockup of being a battered woman. There’s no doubt a couple of sturdy girls up to the task and some ex-cheerleaders to motivate them.

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