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Biden’s ATF raids Amish dairy farmer, seizes firearm stash in potential ‘rogue gun retailer’ bust

The case raises questions about when exactly someone must register as a federally licensed gun retailer

An Amish dairy farmer in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania recently became the target of President Joe Biden’s promised crackdown on “rogue gun dealers” — but he claims he’s nothing more than a gun collector and occasional salesman.

Two weeks ago, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives stormed Reuben King’s Leacock Township property, seizing an untold number of firearms as part of an ongoing investigation into the farmer’s alleged gun retail business.

“ATF agents, as part of an ongoing investigation, executed an enforcement operation at the Cattail Foundry and seized evidence,” on Jan. 12, ATF spokesperson Robert Cucinotta announced Monday, according to Lancaster Online.

So far, no arrests have been made, and no charges have been filed in the case, as the ATF stays mum about the details. But speculation is growing that the Department of Justice is closing in on an indictment against King for selling guns without a federal firearms license, Bearing Arms reported.


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