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Biden administration introduces plan to lower speed limits and expand bike lanes in bid to reach ‘zero’ traffic fatalities

Lower speed limits and more bike lanes may soon be coming to your community, courtesy of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Buttigieg told the Associated Press Thursday that the Biden administration is preparing to roll out a new “safe system” plan designed to decrease traffic fatalities nationwide. The plan comes as new federal data will be released this week showing traffic fatalities significantly increased in the third quarter of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. The AP reported that the half-year traffic death total for 2020 was 20,160, the highest half-year figure since 2006.

“It doesn’t look good, and I continue to be extremely concerned about the trend,” Buttigieg said.

“Somehow it has become over the years and decades as normal, sort of the cost of doing business,” he added. ““Even through a pandemic that led to considerably less driving, we continue to see more danger on our roads.”


6 thoughts on “Biden administration introduces plan to lower speed limits and expand bike lanes in bid to reach ‘zero’ traffic fatalities”

  1. yea this is the big glass of crap ghettoburys mayor has been drinking.

    he refers to this zero crap all the time, even though there is zero evidence ghettobury has a pedestrian killing issue.

    most of them are whacked off when they cross business 13 in the middle of the street because they are too lazy to cross at an intersection.

  2. Slow down speeds and still no enforcement. Lather Rinse Repeat on ideas.

    So many other problems on the list.

    How bout this – truly accomplish something on the list that actually means something for all Americans.

    Telling us u have a dog or now a cat….NOT ON THE LIST!

  3. Bootyboy needs to spend more time nursing his infants.

    A one quarter statistic is just a data point. We have a larger population now, so factor that. Booty and Biden have been plopping 3rd world illiterates down everywhere and giving them licenses; that’s in addition to those driving without a license, so factor that.

    Population is driving round and round from store to store trying to source Bootyboy supply chain scarce items, so factor that.

    Let’s recall how Bootyboy was going to bike in DC for a photo op but was busted having the bike trailered to a block away before beginning his ride.


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