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Tell Us Your Tidal Health, (PRMC) Story…

Tidal health admitted my wife’s friends husband because he was having trouble breathing. She was allowed to be at his bedside.
She had to leave to attend to some pressing business and when she returned, this is what they told her —

Your husband (of 30 years) is dying. Maybe in the next 12-18 hours. Prepare for that and no, YOU CANNOT SEE HIM. We will tell you when he dies and you can wait in the car if you’d like.”

True story.

I just can’t believe he was the only one to die that day. Read between the lines.

37 thoughts on “Tell Us Your Tidal Health, (PRMC) Story…”

  1. I went in for congestive heart failure
    I have had heart disease for 20 years or more. I called for some nitro due to continuing angina. Over an hour later the nurse finally arrived. Could have expired. When I said something they told me I wasn’t really having angina
    Also got three different instructions from three different hospitalists. Was glad I got out when I did of they might have killed me due to neglect
    My wife was there for this snd was in disbelief.

    1. My wife went there , ( I had to wait outside in the COLD ) with a Facial Injury near her eye to the ER

      she was made to Wait in the hallway Bleeding , 6 hrs before being seen , Not knowing if she
      had more injurys without x rays , !!!! I had to go to my car & wait is was so Cold !!!

      Unforgiveable !!!! No Excuses !!!!

      1. that is another joke on humanity.
        they do not care if you have a case or not, they only care about the $$ value of the case..
        they are as worthless as the medical community

  2. I don’t know what you mean by read between the lines? True story- a lady at our church needed emergency surgery and was told during previous shut down at Tidal last year they could not do it because they were at full capacity with COVID patients & had no beds. So they sent her to Atlantic General, where they performed the surgery but then she contracted an infection and almost died. (I’m not a fan of Atlantic General) My wife was in health care at Tidal and the hospital was not “full” in the true sense of the word. Tidal had deliberately closed several floors- that was why they had no beds. So who knows if they are really in crisis now or not? Unfortunately when you lie once people tend to not believe you….

    1. They have rooms shut because of all of the R.N.’s they fired. Now they do not have enough R.N.’s to take care of the patients.

  3. I can not believe we are doing that unbelievable shit again. How tragic.

    No one there has a brain.

    I know way too many people who died alone due to this stupidity.
    One friend relayed a story where they got to say goodbye to their dying father via cell phone video.

    Thank you for opening the forum for people to talk. Information needs to be shared. Medical treatments, protocols, handling of visitors, etc.

    1. Yeah, calling people selfish pigs gets your point across. We look out for our well being and those that are vaccinated are spreading the virus with masks that do not work.

    2. You do realize that other than an N95 mask, cloth “face coverings” do virtually nothing.. think chain link fence stopping a few bugs from flying into your yard….same premise..cloth cannot stop viruses from going through.. about 3 percent..tops

  4. Last October I had to go to the Tidal Health Emergency twice. I was diagnosed with very bad vertigo. All the staff were absolutely wonderful. Everyone was professional and very polite. I have nothing but praise for all those who attended to me.

  5. 2 yrs in a row now a fam member needed corrective surgery…both times the surgery was done in the holiday season timeframe and prior to shutdowns. Got in and out quick, surgeries successful (recovery the hardest) and i have great praise to the ortho staff, nursing crews, et al that provided wonderful care especially during these very difficult times.

    Seems our front liners get ridiculed for tragedies than the day to day good they provide as a public servant. Prayers go out to all the families who have experienced tragedy but also to the front liners you go back each and everyday doing the best they can.

  6. I Fall 2021 I was taken there covid positive. Upon ER arrival they were told immediately I was positive shown paper work.. They took me right back to a trauma room as I had near death low blood pressure. My husband was with me the ENTIRE time. At one point I was given extremely large amounts a type of iv fluids to raise my pressure. Of course I was urinating every few minutes. My husband was the one putting the bed pan under me, dumping it, wiping my feverish body with cooling cloths ect. He had a blue and white surgical style mask on that he came with. When I was stabilized he left to check on our child/ pets. I was moved upstairs to a room. I had a crash and needed time be moved again to a different room where I could receive more assistance. I put on High Flow Heated oxygen at 60Liters.
    My husband returned to be told he couldnt be with me due me having covid. Excuse me what changed from the trauma room to upstairs? He was fine being there administering care. I was there a few weeks. After I was non contagious they still wouldn’t allow him there. He called the social worker 3x, his call was never returned. After I was removed from High Flow O2 they still would not allow me to shower with a shower chair nor did they offer assistance. Having gone 2 weeks without bathing was horrifying in itself. They would not allow me to use the restroom instead they wanted me to use a chair commode next to the bed which had rusty bolts and a broken seat. I was menstruating, I was directly across from the busy nurses station and they would not allow me to close my privacy curtain when tolieting. Male staff members would NOT knock on the door and wait to be told to enter. They would just come on in. I found a way to get into the bathroom as I desperately wanted privacy. I was reprimanded by six female staff members at one time in a group. I was told I should have asked. Really? They would let my monitor beep for 2hrs, they would neglect to bring me water for hours, neglect to empty the commode for up to 48 hrs, in all the time I was there I was given 1 change of my gowns and 1 change of sheets. You want me to ask when you didn’t attend to my most basic needs! I was told my equipment would not reach the bathroom but I managed to do it..I was told I was a fall risk but they encouraged me to walk around my room un-chaperoned. I was given x-rays, blood work and diabetic monitoring (I’m not diabetic). I was never told what the results were or what they were looking for. Even if I asked I was told to wait for so and so to come in to tell me, they never came. The dr. came in room for less than 3 min daily. He never had time for questions, never offered information on my condition. I’d ask to see him when he had time to provide me those answers he never had time. I found in the medical records listed on the virtual chart upon discharge they stated they Skype chatted w/ my husband about my treatment. That wasn’t true either. That place is a utter mess, a nightmare. If your covid positive it’s like medical incarceration. I left AMA and received better care through a home nursing agency.

  7. The only part of TIDAL HEALTH / PRMC that I will praise is their CARDIAC UNIT. I personally have been there 4 times and they were always courteous and I had no complaints from the treatment I received.

    Two other times I was there and put in extended care for an emergency gall bladder operation that the anesthesiologist OD me and created a stroke on my right side that I recovered from. Another time they had me in extended care they had me flat of my back with my head lower than my body after getting a stent for 6 hours, instead of approx 4 hours when they knew I was hyperventilating and could not breath on my back. They finally called the DOCTOR after I contacted my wife and told her what they were doing and to call DOCTOR’s office. I also told her to contact one of the two (2) Attorneys in my phone if they did what they threaten. The DOCTOR showed up and stood me up as far as the bed would allow and my breathing became normal. I was then sit up in the bed or chair. During this time Raspatory therapist attempted to put the bag over my mouth and nose when I told her to sit me up and she would not do it. Then she told me she was going to put a tube down my throat and told her “like hell you are” then the DOCTOR showed up and took over.

    I have been to TIDAL HEALTH / PRMC one time since then for a DEFIBULATOR and the DOCTOR wanted to admit me over night and I refused. Told him if I spent another night it would be in the MORGUE. If I was going to DIE it would be at my house because I was not going to give TIDAL HEALTH / PRMC another chance at killing me.

    I have told my wife if she could not get me to JOHNS HOKINS in Baltimore to let me die before allowing TIDAL HEALTH / PRMC to touch me ever again. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR PATIENTS WELFARE OR MENTAL HEALTH during their stay.

  8. China & the Democrats made the PERFECT WEAPON > COVID !!!! NO WAR NO [PUNISHMENT

    Over 600.000 Americans DEAD & counting !!!! Plus Ruining the country in EVERY WAY possible !!!!

  9. I have a rare blood disorder called Systemic Mastoysis. I have reactions to high Histamine Foods.
    Causing anxiety attacks, chest pain and other things. Went to ER. Because they had no clue
    what Systemic Mastoysis is, My diagnois was Penis Pain and Congestion. This was embarrassing.
    I made a case with Tidal Health. They heard me out, but still had to pay the bill. I was under the care
    of Dr. Walid Ayass in Tidal Hemotology Dept. My issue is monitored by tryptase level in my blood.
    They ran 2 blood test, I told them to check my tryptase level, both times, they never did.
    Dr. Walid Ayass stated the ER Dept did their job correctly. Dr. Walid Ayass is no longer with Tidal.
    Not becuse of this, he moved on elsewhere.

  10. I work in Behavioral health/mental health and cover here every so often as there are too few of us. My advice would be to bypass the local hospitals and go straight to Hopkins or GW in DC.

  11. I know several doctors and nurse practitioners who have worked at this facility . They say it sucks . No educated medical care people just low life want to be nurse assistances .

  12. My daughter was eight months pregnant and I took her to the ER (since her hubby was working) because she could not stop throwing up, when we got in there I took care of her information, an hour later she is still sitting in the waiting room throwing up, there was hardly anyone in there. The only way they would do anything is the fact that I got loud and reminded them that she was pregnant and there was something seriously wrong since she could not stop throwing up. They even brought the security to me since I would not shut up and took us to another room to WAIT! They finally took her back two hours later and she ended up having to get induced and have her baby a month early. Do they really need someone who has to get loud and remind them they have someone very sick sitting there? If she had lost her baby because of their negligence, she would be rich right now!! They are worthless. Did they think the name change would make them look better? It Doesn’t.

  13. My entire family is unvaccinated. One member had to go to the emergency room in December 2021. We were there sitting in the hallway (in back of the ER) for approx. 6 hours. Had to go back for same situation 4 days later. Another 5 hours in the hallway of the ER. About 2 weeks later same family member had to be admitted for totally unrelated issue. He was there four days. He was tested for Covid and was negative. They were not going to allow me to go into the hospital as they had already instituted “no visitors.” I protested this loudly as my family member is disabled on on their website it states that a disabled person is allowed to have a support person with them. So I and my unvaccinated family member were in the ER for approx 11 hours. And yes, we did wear masks. Then we were there in family member’s room for four days. If Covid was as bad as they say wouldn’t you think one of us would have gotten it? We didn’t. My family member was put in a “private room” which we never asked for. It was a two bed room with two televisions in the room and all the hookups for oxygen, etc… for two beds. Yet in the entire four days he was the only one in the room. Now if they were as full as they claim wouldn’t they have wanted to move another patient in the room. I have been at that hospital multiple times with other family members who are now deceased. I have never heard a hospital be so quiet. I heard no one coughing, no one choking, no one gasping for air and trust me I had heard these things in visits with my family members who passed. But the last time was in 2019. During December of 2021 nothing. NO noises of any kind. I could hear nurses and there didn’t seem to be many of them but NO patients. Where were all the deathly sick Covid patients. Now I know some may have been on ventilators but not everyone is critical with Covid. After all, they say with the vaccines you have much milder symptoms. I heard NOTHING! Now you all believe what you want to believe but it just doesn’t ring true for me.

    1. You are an idiot. That rings true for sure. Do you honestly think they would put Covid patients in the same wing as ones that are not sick with Covid?

  14. As with other people here, we have absolutely no use for this place. I see others have talked about Atlantic General, but after being told my husbands wait would be at least 6 hours, after being transported there by ambulance from the doctors office as he needed intravenous antibiotics, we left and went to Atlantic General. Our wait there was approx. 45 minutes, nurses and doctor there very kind and caring, unlike that bunch at Tidal Health. That place is in need of total overhaul from the top right on down. Staff in emergency room may be overworked but it’s can emergency room, if they don’t like their job, go find another one. There is absolutely no need in them being so rude, and yes, they are very very rude. Does nursing school now teach how to be rude to patients, because they sure do it good there. Send me another survey and I’ll let them know again just what they don’t want to hear.

    1. Okay, lets do away with AGH and PRMC – then what?

      Its constructive to criticize but that does include courses of action. Top down does not work, it must be from the bottom up to eliminate redundancies and maximize your resources (people) appropriately.

      Contracting out does require local staff to oversee the contractors – just something to keep in mind. Not always the remedy, especially when it comes to emergency services.

  15. @ 8:07AM:
    if they don’t like their job, go find another one.

    They did. And then you wonder why there is a nursing shortage right now? It ain’t a phantom vaccine mandate, honey. Like the post said, read between the lines.

  16. My mom had COPD and started coughing up blood, we called an ambulance and I met it there at Tidal Health. My mom was still able to talk, and laugh and breathe on her normal liters of oxygen. The dr came in dis x-rays and said he thinks she may have lung cancer. So they did a CT scan and she didn’t. It was pneumonia. They started her on strong antibiotics and then put Fentanyl in her IV. She was admitted to the general unit in which she should have been put in PCU due to her lung condition. I get a call at 1am stating she went into respiratory arrest and they put her in ICU. They continued to give her fentanyl in her IV. They also told me a day later she may have leukemia but no further testing was done. Then they tell me the next day she’s getting better and had her sitting up on her own. I had hope!! Then the day after that I went to visit, walked into her room and they were giving my mom CPR, she had went into respiratory arrest again. I had to sit out in the waiting area freaking out over what I saw. They ended up intubating her and gave her more fentanyl. I lost my ever loving mind and yelled at the nurses and drs and told them that if they couldn’t help her then send her to Hopkins. Next day they called me at 5am and told me I needed to hurry and get there. When I got there they told me she was dying and I needed to decide to take her off the ventilator, hardest decision of my life. Immediately I was bombarded with organ donor people. I walked out the room long enough to let them take the tube out and I heard the worst sounds. They then gave her a higher dose of Fentanyl and my mom was gone within minutes. I still say the fentanyl killed her.

  17. I’ve had two horrific experiences with family members at PRMC (doctors, nurses, food service and management) and have told my kids if I ever have to go to the hospital in an emergency situation, the minute the stretcher hits the ground at PRMC they are to demand that I be transferred immediately to Mercy or Hopkins. If it doesn’t happen, they can happily throw me in the back seat of a car and drive me themselves. I’m sure some folks have had decent experiences there, but my own experience and too many others that I’ve heard are enough to convince me they must’ve paid some big money for their “excellence” awards.

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