From the right: Voters See Through Biden’s Lies
“President Biden’s approval rating has plummeted,” and maybe that’s because he and his team say “things that are not just untrue but implausible,” suggests Andy Puzder at RealClearPolitics. Despite their claims, for instance, “our southern border is not ‘secure’; the Afghan withdrawal was not an ‘extraordinary success’; the current bout of inflation is neither ‘temporary’ nor ‘a good thing’; and government spending never takes ‘the pressure off of inflation.’ ” Americans know his Build Back Better bill wouldn’t cost “zero dollars” just because it’s “paid for” (which it likely wouldn’t have been anyway). And inflation will cost the average family $3,500 in expenses this year, one key model predicts — never mind any Biden assertions to the contrary. “It’s the kind of thing people notice.”
Science desk: NASA Gets It Right
“NASA’s long-awaited James Webb Space Telescope,” launched Christmas Day, “shows what a purpose-driven space program can accomplish,” marvels Robert Zubrin at National Review. It’s “the greatest astronomical observatory ever built,” a “telescope a hundred times as powerful” as the Hubble that will show us “as never before light emitted from objects more than 13 billion light years away, allowing us to peer back in time to view the infancy, and perhaps even birth, of our universe.” Most of our physics knowledge, “including Newton’s laws, much of electromagnetism, relativity and nuclear fusion, was obtained through astronomy,” so the Webb’s possible discoveries “are beyond reckoning.” Unlike with NASA’s Mars missions, which are designed only to “justify continued spending,” we launched the Webb “to do science, not just to say we have put a big telescope into space.”
IMPEACH Biden & Harris the FAKE Administration !!!!
Administration NOT VOTED FOR is a FAKE one !!!!
Make me Sick to look at their Ego-Maniac selves posing as if they were legit !!! NOT EVER
When Biden says Build Back Better he means > SET BACK BETTER !!!!!! FACT