
DelMarVa’s Premier Source for Conservative News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest

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A Viewer Writes…

Anyone been downtown around the Courthouse lately? There is a  symbol for the Jewish religion,the menorah. There is a symbol for Kwanzaa but I missed the Cross symbol that Christians normally identify with for Christmas. Was it there earlier and they are starting to take the displays down or did the mayor just didn’t have one put up? What’s up? Jon E Jrr.

5 thoughts on “A Viewer Writes…”

  1. I imagine there’s the rainbow flags still hanging everywhere. I take this as a strong hint that straight people are. not welcomed.

  2. seems like the money needed to put up displays was used on stupid video’s where the mayor is showing his lack of acting skills, ego, and beer, while the rest was used for the failed folked festival

    your local government doesn’t give a rats ass about the majority.

    he got installed the first time by default and the second time by his clique of buddies buying up taxpayer land for pennies on the dollar.

    You have no one to blame but yourselves.

    enjoy the chitshow.

  3. There are no Christmas decorations downtown. The only ones are the ones at the City Park. Who in the right mind would want to go there after dark! The town is a joke anymore. They cater to their special interest groups. Most call them misfits. The misfits will not spend enough to keep those businesses alive downtown. Maybe they can turn everything on the plaza into section 8 housing so the mayor can visit them every day.

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