On December 1, 2020, Georgia election operatives Ruby Freeman and her daughter Wandrea “Shaye” Moss sued The Gateway Pundit, founder Jim Hoft and contributing editor Joe Hoft for allegedly conducting a “campaign of lies” against the two women that led to online and in-person harassment against them.
The organization behind the lawsuit is called Protect Democracy, a large far-left political organization.
The two women and their far-left funders targeted The Gateway Pundit after we were the first to identify the women in the late-night ballot-counting video at the State Farm Arena in Atlanta Georgia on November 3rd and the morning of the November 4th.
The Gateway Pundit was also first to reveal that Ruby Freeman was caught on video shoving stacks of ballots through the voting machines numerous times late at night after all of the election observers were sent home.
Give it a rest. At this point we all know you all who are still promoting the election fraud nonsense are either verified idiots or a part of the forces willingly attempting to rip apart the US
It is people like you that are the problem.
GOTCHA !!!! Time & Time AGAIN TRUMP WON 2020 PERIOD !!! TIme to Prosecute the
Dirty Poll workers & USPS !!!!!
A liberal / Democrap mind is a terrible thing comrade. You are the traitor, you are brainwashed and such a waste of human life. Move to Korea…
YOU Anti-American Democrats can go to Hell where you came from !!!! Go live in China !!!!
It has Been PROVEN your Party (Democrats ) CHEATED & pulled off a COUP in 2020 FACT !!!!
Your people should be in JAIL with No BAIL !!!!!
Lol says the brain dead Biden voter🙄
Cameras DON’T LIE > GOTCHA !!!!!
America WILL NEVER rest until Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler are in Prison !!!!
Observers are no more well informed than the Dopes processing the Vote. This big paranoid tattle tale butt hurt process needs to change. There seems to be no Problem with Electing an American Idol or next superstar dancer, magician or acrobat or Miss America. People cling to the established process so righteously but it has always been rigged by money and influence and the entitled that divides US prosper from our compliance and panders to that we assume we are ignorant RUBES that just keep paying their taxes like they tithe the Church.
the dims and repubs has things structured in such a way that every four years you get to through the bums out with no discernible change in the government! time to burn the whole f’n system down! nothing but a bunch of crooks enriching themselves at our expense!
Americans will get the Last Laugh when 2 Term Limits are passed , & Trump is Re-installed !!!!!
How do you all like SET-BACK- BETTER > the Biden Plan !!!!!! ??????
Fire the RINOS !!!!!
Introduce DINOS !!!!!