On Christmas Eve a clueless Joe Biden told viewers, “Let’s Go Brandon, I agree.” during a NORAD phone call with a concerned American father of young children.
Joe Biden had no idea what he was saying or what it meant. The man is held together by his wife and handlers.
On Sunday morning former Trump Senior Adviser Stephen Miller spoke about Joe Biden’s Christmas Eve gaffe on Sunday Morning Futures.
Stephen Miller: I believe Joe Biden is controlled by his staff and his aides. And not just senior staff. Mid-level aides in the White House. You know a recent incident that people made a great deal of fun about, as well as they should have, is that Joe Biden said, “Let’s go Brandon!” during Christmas. To me reveals something much more insidious which is he doesn’t know about the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ meme because he doesn’t consume any of his own information. He is completely sheltered and controlled.