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Entering The American Twilight Zone

We didn’t know it then, but on Election Night, November 8, 2020, America entered a Twilight Zone every bit as eerie and unanticipated as anything dreamed up by Rod Serling decades earlier.  It began with time standing still in the middle of the Election Night vote count, followed by a flood of outlandish vote totals being relayed to us, especially from Democrat strongholds in 7 swing states.  Then there was the alacrity with which network analysts declared Biden the winner, especially, the Fox News early projection of a Biden win in Arizona.

Among Trump partisans and Republicans generally, there was shock and mounting disbelief.  Had the triumphant incumbent, fresh off years of creating a vibrant economy, establishing the conditions for a significant peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, erasing the brutal Caliphate, standing up to and quelling both the insatiable dragon of Communist China and Putin’s snarling Russian bear, shutting down the fiery Iranian mullahcracy, and creating American energy independence—had Trump somehow lost to the enfeebled, untrusted political cipher, Scranton Joe?

Despite the 2020 election’s irregularities, which were legion, the next two months, leading up to the January 6 Capitol Hill debacle, were a study in media manipulation.  Virtually every organ and institution of public information joined hands to create a bum’s rush of legitimacy for Scranton Joe’s historic victory.  Not only was there an unprecedented (and unbelievable) turn out of voters, with Trump receiving 8 million more votes than any preceding sitting president, while the bumbling, lackluster, boring, invisible Biden, with no hint at any time in his political career of an excited public following, bested Trump by an additional 7 million votes.  This was an electoral miracle that rivaled Moses parting the Red Sea and Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.

In fact, as evidence of major election irregularities and corruption began to surface in the form of hundreds of eyewitness reports and sworn affidavits, analyses by credentialed statisticians and computer experts, the sworn testimony (on penalty of perjury) of poll watchers and election workers, and even shocking videotape of poll workers in Democrat strongholds double and triple counting mysterious suitcases of unverified ballots, the press and our new masters in Big Tech, grew ever shriller and more derogatory of Trump and the claims of his legal team that there was something foul afoot on election night.

But the courts remained the three monkeys of denial:  See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. The “catch 22” machine was used to prevent court review of the growing mountain of charges and evidence.  When warnings of impending election fraud and manipulation had been raised prior to the vote, they were dismissed as being speculative.  When they were raised and demonstrated after the vote, they were dismissed for being after the fact and too late.  The American people were being treated to a legal system that could have been devised by Franz Kafka; a literal nightmare of injustice.


2 thoughts on “Entering The American Twilight Zone”

  1. And this is what other countries felt like when we meddled in their elections and had our choice installed as they had to live with those consequences.

  2. Look no further than Wicomico County, where Trump squeaked by with less than 900 votes! Mail-in votes were 3752 for Trump and 9793 for Biden? Corrupt as hell !!!

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