As President Biden’s first year in office comes to an end, nearly two out of every three Americans has doubts and reservations about him — with 70 percent saying his policies have worsened the economy or had no effect, according to a new poll.
According to the CNN poll conducted by SSRS, 66 percent of Americans said they doubted whether Biden was “a leader you can trust,” a number that included 92 percent of Republicans, 75 percent of independents and 36 percent of Democrats.
The poll also found that 45 percent of adults believe the president’s policies have worsened the economy while only 30 percent say they have had a positive impact and 25 percent said they had no impact at all.
When asked how they thought the president had handled the economy overall, 54 percent expressed disapproval – an increase of five percentage points from late summer and 12 percentage points from late April.
In its first year, the Biden administration has been slammed with a number of economic crises including supply chain backlogs, rising gas prices, increased housing costs and inflation. The survey found that 80 percent of Americans considered inflation to be “a major problem” for the economy, 79 percent thought the same of supply chain disruptions, 77 percent thought the same of rising home prices and 70 percent considered increased gas prices to be a major economic problem.
Based upon nov 2020 elections (insert laughter) at minimum it would be 50%
In a year its plummeted. (Insert a high pitched whistle getting slower and deeper in sound…then a waaah waaaah waaaah)
Since Day one in His STOLEN OFFICE from COUP 2020 98% of America ( WHO Voted for TRUMP) Dispise Biden & ALL the rest of the Demon-crats !!!!
NONE voted for the FAKE Biden Administration & ONLY a COUP put them in office !!! FACT
They Fool NOONE !!! Just look at a TRUMP RALLY !!!!!! Proves America Supports TRUMP !!!!
More like nine tenths do not trust him.
Need a LAW to Remove Bad Politicians or FAKE ones IMMEDIATLEY !!!! Not 4 years later !!!