The last several months have seen a heated debate about the effectiveness of the vaccines that are being currently administered against Covid-19.
The question on many people’s minds is: Do these pharmaceuticals work?
Both sides tend to feel quite strongly about their position which gives rise to a great deal of emotion as the debate goes on.
The good news is that being nearly a year into the vast vaccination enterprise we now possess sufficient data to determine whether the shots are effective or not.
As we know, the objective of vaccination is to eliminate or significantly reduce the incidence of the targeted disease. If a vaccine works, then in a highly vaccinated population we will see either complete elimination of the disease or a significant decrease of its incidence.
Since it is usually not practicable to achieve 100 percent inoculation rate, the question is what is the vaccination level that will either bring the disease under control or eliminate it altogether?This level is sometimes referred to as “herd immunity.” We were told at first by experts, most notably Dr. Anthony Fauci, that the vaccination rate of 60 to 70 percent would confer herd immunity in regard to Covid 19.Fauci’s position was roughly in […]
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Of course they don’t work………… in not work to prevent the virus, but they do work to give you the virus. Stay as far away from that fraudulent vaccine as you can.
The COVID virus on the other hand is very effective.
That’s what the vaccine is for……………thin out the herd.
Ya think they are finally catching on? It’s about time, after so many lives have been ruined thanks to the phoney vax.