After attacking Thanksgiving, Black Lives Matter has now set their sights on Christmas for the seventh year in a row.
The organization tweeted from their official Twitter account that for seven years they have been attempting to show “connections between white-supremacist-capitalism & police violence.”
Well if that means they are only going to loot black businesses then I am ok with it
Have at it !
We will see how that turns out.
I usually focus on price, not race when making a purchase.
I wonder what would happen if someone called for the boycotting of black businesses to fight BLM?
more like snatch and grab or just plain looting, doesnt cost as much that way
That’s hard to do when so many business owners are serving for crimes they committed and try to fight issues that are only in your minds.
The BLM people destroyed many businesses with snatch & grab, and all the ones they burned down in the “peacefull riots” in the cities that leaves them with little choice—go at it!!!
I feel for the black people who see BLM for the race baiting mess that it is and want nothing to do with it.
It is no accident their ad took the Christ out of Christmas
I can’t wait to see how THAT turns out….
black owned business? an oxymoron? kinda like military intelligence?
jumbo shrimp
civil war
negative growth
living dead
resident alien
true fiction
sad smile
I like this game!
Keeping an open mind until they release their recommendations for Festivus and Kwanza. /sarc