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On education, Terry McAuliffe said the silent part out loud

Americans think public education should prepare children to succeed in the modern world and to have general knowledge of their country and government.  Leftists, though, believe education is about indoctrination.  Lately, this has involved teaching children Critical Race Theory and pushing transgenderism.  Parents are appalled.  That’s why it mattered that, during the gubernatorial debate in Virginia, Democrat Terry McAuliffe said the left’s quiet part out loud: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

America’s founders strongly supported education.  Here’s George Washington:

A primary object should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing … than … communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?

For more than two centuries, Washington’s vision mostly held sway.  Education was about reading, writing, and arithmetic.  With increased immigration after the Civil War, education was used to create a common American culture.  After WWII, when America was the major player in the world theater, schools expanded the breadth, if not the depth, of what children should know.

Also, after WWII, leftists pushed to teach children that America is a cruel, hate-filled country and that socialism is the only good and fair system of government.  In the 1960s through 1980s (my years getting educated), these principles were like a silent current underlying education but they were never overt.


2 thoughts on “On education, Terry McAuliffe said the silent part out loud”

  1. “Has been” Terry only admits that he and Virginia’s elite don’t give a damn what its voters care/want. This is not exactly a good thing.

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