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Race Card is the Reliable Glue for a Fractured Left

If anything can hold together these disparate groups with otherwise irreconcilable differences, it is the prospect of playing the race card against the Deplorables.

Today’s Left is riddled with contradictions. It is hard to imagine what unites black nationalists, Islamicists, feminists, and LGBTQ+ activists except for their shared loathing for white male heterosexual Christians and for those identified with this hated group, like Israelis or Larry Elder.

Members of the Left’s alliance are already aware of their obvious, irreconcilable differences and have begun to lash out against each other. This should be expected. Some alliances make long-term sense, like economic and military cooperation among European states or fraternal associations among the Islamic monarchies in the Gulf States. But I can’t think of a glue that is strong enough to keep together, in a permanent coalition, feminist Pecksniff Elizabeth Warren, the transgendered, black gangs in our crime-ridden urban centers, and sexist American Muslims.

Carl Schmitt had a point that one’s adversaries often determine one’s friends. But there are narrow limits as to how far certain implausible alliances can go, for example, the Soviet-Nazi Pact, or the 16th-century alliance of Catholic France with the Ottoman Empire against the Hapsburgs and for a while, the Pope. Such relationships are fated to dissolve almost from the time they are established. What holds our Left together would be even more tenuous, were it not for the survival of the shared enemy and the support received from those who are payrolling the Left for their own benefit, starting with big tech, the more traditional media, the deep state, and the culture industry.


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