Thirty percent of migrants at US detention centers are refusing to be vaccinated
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dismissed a question from Fox News’ Peter Doocy on why American businesses with 100 or more employees are required to vaccinate workers but migrants at the southern border are not required to vaccinate.
“Our objective is to get as many people vaccinated as humanly possible,” Psaki told Doocy when asked why illegal immigrants are not being vaccinated but American workers will be forced to under President Biden’s mandate. “The president’s announcement yesterday was an effort to empower businesses to give businesses the tools to protect their workforces.
Doocy then pressed Psaki again saying, “Vaccines are required for “people at a business with more than 100 people. It is not a requirement for migrants at the border. Why?”
“That’s correct,” Psaki responded.
About 30% of immigrants held at federal detention facilities are refusing to be vaccinated, and they have the option to refuse.
they should be the first ones double vaxed!
Send PSAKI to Afghanistan !!!!!!
She is an idiot! Doesn’t know her a$$ from her elbow.
She acts like SHE makes the Decisions > NOT !!!! Little puppet can ONLY take Orders !!!!!!
She values herself way too highly. No body else does.
She is so Far up Biden’s ass she can’t see Daylight !!!!!
He says JUMP she says How High ?????
Red headed WITCH!