When Joe Biden declared Kamala Harris his running mate in the 2020 election, it perplexed many among his allies and detractors.
Why on earth did Joe opt for a relatively youthful individual who makes him look even older than he is in contrast?
What caused Joe to choose somebody who lambasted him during the primaries and accused him of racism?
It has to be remembered that Kamala couldn’t win a single state during the primaries and was compelled to drop out before the election commenced. She, therefore, brought no electoral benefits to Joe.
Joe had pledged to select a female running mate.
Cause she is black. He needed votes. He has put her on the shelf and does nothing. Just like Trump did with Pentz.
There is no way in h*ll Joe Biden had anything at all to do with nominating Kamala Harris. This is completely done by Pelosi, Soros and Obama so they could get black votes. She should never have been even considered because she is NOTHING and has done NOTHING at all for this country except sleep with a married man for prestige and money.