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Why Biden Has the CIA and the Pentagon Frothing with Rage

Who isn’t angry at Biden at this point? The man brings new meaning to the word dither. He was five hours late to his address about Afghanistan yesterday, and what does he do? He talks about the “build back better” agenda. Can you do this job, Joe? Why did we wait five hours for some crap pitch about universal pre-K? Americans are trapped, and by all accounts, you’re totally fine with that. You promised that American troops would remain until every American was out. That’s a lie. We’re leaving on August 31 because…the Taliban said so. We cowered to terrorists.

There is no way we can evacuate everyone that needs to get out by that deadline—and Joe Biden seems okay with that (via NBC News):

With President Joe Biden intending to stick to the Aug. 31 deadline for U.S. troops to leave Afghanistan, it’s becoming clear that thousands of the Afghans who helped the U.S. won’t be evacuated, a scenario that has engendered deep frustration inside U.S. national security agencies.

“People are furious and disgusted,” said a former U.S. intelligence official who declined to be quoted by name. A defense official said he grew nauseated as he considered how many Afghan allies would be left behind.

At the CIA, “officers feel a real sense of obligation, moral obligation and personal obligation” to the Afghans they supported and trained, said former CIA Director John Brennan, an NBC News national security consultant.


The U.S. proposed to extend the withdrawal date by four days, offering a promise to hand over a functioning airport to the Taliban after cleaning it up and leaving a Turkish staff to run it. But the Taliban refused to entertain any extension, two defense officials said.

The result, U.S. officials said, is that evacuations are likely to slow considerably by Friday to give the military enough time to effect an orderly withdrawal. That isn’t nearly enough time to evacuate all the Afghan interpreters, drivers and others who helped the 20-year U.S. effort in the country, and it may not be enough time to remove every American, officials acknowledged.

Biden was more concerned about his domestic agenda yesterday. That’s all you need to know about this fiasco. Afghanistan is burning, and Americans are going to be left behind, but “build back better,” right? It shows that he’s been disengaged, isolated, and totally disconnected from the whole situation. He was on vacation when Afghanistan collapsed—and he was content on staying in vacation mode.


2 thoughts on “Why Biden Has the CIA and the Pentagon Frothing with Rage”

  1. Refugee resettlement program. Over 120k of them only 5k are Americans. It will be probably closer to 200k and the government has no clue who they are. Free healthcare and no mask required. Biggest resettlement operation in American history. The 30 radical Judges will makes sure they can vote in federal election. Between this and the open border Conservative has a zero chance of winning again. Lindsey Graham made it all happen with the rest of the due NOTHING REPUBLICANS.

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