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Wicomico County Health Department COVID Update

In the last 3 days Wicomico County has 78 new confirmed positive cases of COVID-19. Wicomico County has a total of 8,519 total cases. 7,924 have recovered, 394 home recovering, 20 hospitalized, a total of 181 deaths. (41 total hospitalized in TidalHealth with Covid-19)

11 thoughts on “Wicomico County Health Department COVID Update”

  1. Thi appears to be the same stats I have been hearing over and over. What are the real stats? How come nobody is talking about the deadly results of taking the vaccine. The study confirms vaxxers will face catastrophIc ANTIBODY DEPENDENT ENHANCEMENT injuries and death?

    This is truth in the science they are hiding.

    1. 2:32 – I would be interested in seeing your factual evidence regarding your assertions. Please do share your discovery from credible and reliable scientific sources that confirm your guess.

    2. Just ignored 3:26s comment. What they really mean when they say find a credible source. You could have proof that God himself told you something and they wouldn’t believe it unless it comes from one of their liberal sources and agrees with what ever agenda they are trying to push.

      1. that was my thought, who is defining “credible”
        2:36 be drinking a big pitcher of that koolaid.
        all the data is out there but they be too lazy to google if and find it themselves.

  2. they just approved one of the vaccines really IT RUNS OUT AFTER SIX MONTHS they only did this so the military will have to take it. and all you double shooters look for your next one later this year cause its running out of it working ability. and you want to get ready to get a new shot every six months. THIS IS NOT A VACCINE read what a vaccine is and what it is suppose to do

  3. Where oh where are the positive cases in Wicomico County? These figures are only given to frighten people. Some people are so paranoid that they will not go any where unless everyone is vaccinated.

  4. if you only have 20 peeps in the hospital how can tidal health have 41, is that not a hospital

    fear porn written by some idiot who can not do math.

  5. This health department tells us nearly nothing. It’s written in a style reminiscent of the daily casualty numbers in the papers during the Viet Nam war: KIA, wounded, MIA. Nothing else.
    Without explanations, they’re just statistical rhetoric.

  6. Please people, I beg you not to take this vaccine. It will take a horrible toll on you later. It’s not worth it.

  7. this is what you get for trusting your corrupt government!

    Possible adverse reactions shown in the FDA’s “working list” include:

    Guillain-Barré syndrome
    Acute disseminated encephaloymelitis (“Characterized by a brief but widespread attack of inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that damages myelin – the protective covering of nerve fibers,” according to NIH.)
    Transverse myelitis
    Encephalitis/ myelitis/ encephalomyelitis/ meningoencephalitis/ meningitis/ encepholaphathy
    Narcolepsy and cataplexy
    Acute myocardial infarction
    Autoimmune disease
    Pregnancy and birth outcomes
    Other acute demyelinating diseases
    Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
    Disseminated intravascular coagulation
    Venous thromboembolism
    Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
    Kawasaki disease
    Vaccine enhanced disease

    The list also notes “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children” as one possible outcome following vaccination.

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