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Tucker Carlson Asks Why US Secretary Of Defense Is Wearing An Anti-COVID ‘Costume,’ And Not Just Opting To Lose Some Weight

Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson mocked the Secretary of Defense Thursday for wearing a face shield and a mask, rather than opting to lose weight for protection against COVID-19.

Footage showed Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin exiting a plane in the Philippines wearing a face shield to cover his face and greeting people with fist-pumps rather than a handshake.

“Today, the Secretary of Defense appeared in public wearing this costume. This is Mr. Lloyd Austin, ladies and gentleman, the man in charge of our weapons systems,” Carlson said. “What’s he got on there? Is that a welder’s mask? Is it a dental visor? Has Lloyd Austin been cleaning teeth this morning?”

“Nope. Looks like Lloyd Austin is just terrified of COVID. Well, then why doesn’t he lose weight? Quite a bit of weight, actually. That’s a good question, that would be the rational response. Of course he hasn’t actually considered that,” Carlson said.


1 thought on “Tucker Carlson Asks Why US Secretary Of Defense Is Wearing An Anti-COVID ‘Costume,’ And Not Just Opting To Lose Some Weight”

  1. Tuckie..its mandatory in the Philippines for masks and shields you prior CNN bow tie wearing schmo. Agree about the weight thing, especially after being in the military for most or his life….. Sorry Tuckie the entertainer/opinionated blow fart (nothing to do with news)….you will never be Bill O’Reilly. Paid nicely, but never ever.

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