The United States ought to allow foreign nationals legally in the U.S. to vote in local, state, and federal elections with Democrats as the “biggest beneficiaries,” a New York Times op-ed argues.
The Times op-ed, titled “There Is No Good Reason You Should Have to Be a Citizen to Vote” and authored by Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, contends that U.S. elections should be opened to those of voting-age in the nation’s 15 million-strong legal immigrant population who arrived on temporary visas or green cards but do not have American citizenship.
Let’s try this on a smaller scale and gauge results.
Why should you need to own any NYT stock in order to vote at the shareholder’s meeting? And IIRC the are classes of stock with the decision making class held by descendants of the patriarchy.
Ben & Jerry got to stop selling in NYC until this is corrected. Free the Times!
why not let the whole world vote? just plain evil!