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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Calls Out Anti-Asian American Discrimination in U.S. During Trip to Singapore

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin called out anti-Asian American discrimination in the United States during a trip to East Asia this week to reassure allies and partners.

“Our partnerships draw strength from our shared belief in greater openness, and our belief that people live best when they govern themselves. Now, our democratic values aren’t always easy to reach. And the United States doesn’t always get it right,” he said.

“We’ve seen some painful lapses, like the unacceptable and frankly un-American discrimination that some Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have endured in my country in recent months,” he said.

The Biden administration has made diversity a key focus at the Pentagon. Austin is the first African American secretary defense, and the first defense secretary to hire a senior adviser on human capital and diversity, equity, and inclusion issues.

Reports of anti-Asian hate crimes have risen 149% in the U.S.’s 16 largest cities over the past year, according to the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University San Bernardino. The biggest increase has happened in Democrat-run and dominated New York City, Los Angeles, and Boston. Democrats and establishment media, however, have attributed the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes to President Donald Trump, citing his blaming of China for the coronavirus.

Austin argued that calling attention to the discrimination was a virtue.

“I believe that we’re better than that. Far better. But we aren’t trying to hide our mistakes. When a democracy stumbles, everyone can see and hear it. It’s broadcast in loud and living color, and not hushed up by the state,” he said, adding:

Our openness gives us the built-in ability to self-correct… and to strive toward a more perfect union. And when we come up short, when we stray from our Constitution’s wisdom, we have a pretty good track of record of owning up and trying to do better. Even in times of challenge, our democracy is a powerful engine for its own renewal.

Austin also touted the value of alliances and partnerships, amid an increasingly aggressive China.

“Nobody can go it alone, at least not for very long. We are far stronger, and for far longer, when we come together than when we let ourselves be split apart. And the United States and this region are more secure and more prosperous when we work together with our allies and partners,” he said.


3 thoughts on “Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Calls Out Anti-Asian American Discrimination in U.S. During Trip to Singapore”

  1. Monica Brooks, known for her local activism against Perdue Farms and the local poultry industry has now joined the NAACP and is their chair for “Environmental Justice” and she goes on a rant attacking the farmers and the chicken industry. This is nothing but a racist rant and full of hatred against farmers! Guess who is her biggest cheerleader? None other than Salisbury’s own Jake Day whose daddy is, Randy Day, the President and CEO of Perdue Farms! When the Hell are people going to quit buying Perdue chicken?? I stopped buying it! I stopped buying it! When the Hell is Jim and Chris Perdue going to fire Randy Day?? Do you think that Randy Day has allegiance to Perdue Farms or any of the Perdue Family? Hell No! Jim Perdue, you are still in charge and you need to fire Randy Day and wash your hands clean of Randy and Jakey Poo! People, stop buying Perdue Farms chicken and products until they fire Randy Day!

    Check out Jake Day’s statement. He claims that the City of Salisbury uses 100% clean energy. Liar, Liar, Liar!


    Wicomico County NAACP- Thank you Branch Environmental Justice Committee Chair Monica Brooks for speaking the truth about our community needs. @jacobrday @Wicotrust – Mayor Jacob Day: Proud to be mayor of a small city leading the way on a sustainable future: the only @EnvAm mayor for solar energy on Shore, Sustainable MD certified, proudly pro-wind. As of 2019, @CityofSBY uses 100% renewable energy. Even as we lead, we must bring the rest of our region with us – – Monica Brooks with @WicomicoNAACP says rural communities can no longer be considered expendable by our leaders.
    TODAY is the day to take action. “Justice and power must be brought together” @POTUS #ClimateActionNow #AmericanJobsPlan #climatejustice. – .@RevYearwood of @hiphopcaucus says that the rumor is that leaders are negotiating on an #infrastructure deal TODAY! We need to make sure that there is no deal unless we have strong #Justice40 investments. #climatejusticeNOW – Thank you to everyone who turned out today! Our climate movement cannot succeed unless we put the most marginalized voices first: putting POC and frontline communities at the center of climate decision making. @POTUS #AmericanJobsPlan #climatejustice –

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