A New Jersey woman who opposes President Joe Biden is facing what appears to be legal censorship after a judge ruled she must remove anti-Biden flags from outside her home or face daily monetary fines.
The Roselle Park woman caught the ire of her neighbors — and “caught the attention of local code enforcement,” according to NJ.com — after she began displaying anti-Biden, pro-Donald Trump flags.
The display includes six flags, which say:
- “Don’t Blame Me I Voted For Trump”
- “Joe Biden Sucks”
- “F*** Biden”
- “F*** Biden Not My President”
- “Socialism Sucks Biden Blows”
- The sixth flag shows Trump holding up two middle figures and includes the caption, “F*** Biden”
Mayor Joseph Signorello (D) claimed the display violated town ordinances prohibiting “obscene materials,” but claimed the political nature of the display was not problematic.
“It’s been brought to our attention less because of the political aspect of it, but the vulgarity of it,” Signorello told NJ.com. “The real problem is, from a neighbor perspective, is it’s a block away from an elementary school. It’s in a high visibility area for children. Most of the ire was drawn from a lot of local parents.”
This will be interesting to watch considering local ordinances are in play and freedom of speech would come into play.
Rickie – you and Co watching? Maybe a lesson to be learned with future boardwalk challenges.
Shouldn’t take a report to learn of such things. Telephone/email still works where one could have discussions with other jurisdictions to see how they handle certain items. Guessing or hoping things go away never works!
Biden is a no-goodnick; that’s pretty mild.
The NJ woman is being vulgar (common) with several of the flags but it is political speech and thus protected, just as flag burners or steppers are. Rather doubt NJ schools are in session so that’s bogus. Older students are texting worse language, and younger ones aren’t being taught to read anyhow. Homeschoolers peobably share her sentiments.
When push comes to shove hope there is a lawyer in NJ willing to support the First Amendment.
Elementary school has nothing to do with it, because they likely are teaching F … Trump to their “keds”. Not all teachers, there are some patriots that are employed in the system, thank goodness. Now, how come this judge can give a different ruling than most judges? Take the “family resort” lol, OC. It has been declared freedom of speech on the boards. Could it be because the turd is a damorat and they don’t play well with others?
I give this woman credit for having more ball’s than many men. Thank you lady for displaying the truth, something we don’t get much of. I am offended when I see a domestic terrorist flag (blm) hanging in yards. Perfectly fine for them to have that right to do so and gives us a idea of who’s who among our community. Myself I am a Trumplican and say f… foe and joe plus the train he rode in on.
This woman has rights just like all the black lives matter BS signs we see everywhere. So sick of this one sided government. Leave her and her flags alone. Don’t go down her street if you don’t like it or look the other way.
Illegal !!! MAKE MORE of those Flags !!!!
Just replace the f word with another
Fornicate biden
Pedo Biden Flags !!!!!! SOLVED