Several left-wing commenters have dared to make the brash comparison between the terrorist attacks that rocked the nation on September 11, 2001, with the riots on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol. Some left-leaning pundits went so far as to proclaim that the Capitol riots were more dangerous than the 9/11 terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans and the more than 1,000 New Yorkers are believed to be inflicted with cancers related to the World Trade Center attack. The brazen comparison has incensed families of those who lost loved ones from the deadliest attack on American soil.
Democratic lawmakers, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), have called for a “9/11-style” commission to investigate the Capitol riot.
ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd said the Capitol riot was “worse than 9/11.”
“To me, though there was less loss of life on Jan. 6 – Jan. 6 was worse than 9/11 because it’s continued to rip our country apart and give permission for people to pursue autocratic means,” Dowd claimed during an appearance on the left-wing cable network MSNBC.
Dowd then claimed, “I think we’re in the most perilous point in time since 1861 and the advent of the Civil War.” far-left MSNBC host Joy Reid agreed, “I do too.”
This is outrageous! I was a first responder back then and there were pieces of people everywhere! We drove up and saw arms, legs, heads, even half a upper torso of a woman that had been blown out of the towers.
I don’t recall seeing body parts strewn all over the capital. I don’t think the death count reached 3000 or more. 🤥
NO Riots on Jan 06, 2021 !!! Only the summer of 2020 !!!!! No Trump supporters in ANY of it !!!!
Democrats are the Terror in America !!!!