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AOC says ‘thank heavens’ the GOP didn’t have a majority in the House after the election, otherwise Biden wouldn’t have been certified as president

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said she doubts the House would have certified President Joe Biden’s victory in January if Democrats hadn’t retained the majority.

Ocasio-Cortez relayed this doubt during a virtual town hall on Friday with Rep. Jamaal Bowman, also a Democrat from New York.

During the town hall’s Q&A portion, an attendee asked whether and how House Republicans who voted against Biden’s certification will be held accountable.

“At the moment, there has been no accountability,” Bowman said, adding that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to form a congressional committee to investigate the insurrection on January 6 is a step toward that.

The commission is still being convened, Ocasio-Cortez said, adding that she believes “we’ll be able to move forward with accountability” once the investigation is over.

“Without that accountability, I thank heavens that we had a Democratic majority in the House that day because frankly if we didn’t, we would have to be relying on a sizable amount of Republican members to do the right thing,” the congresswoman continued.


4 thoughts on “AOC says ‘thank heavens’ the GOP didn’t have a majority in the House after the election, otherwise Biden wouldn’t have been certified as president”

  1. President Trump is not stupid

    They are so brazen with stealing this election…

    Reason Biden said we would need nukes & F-15 to remove him

  2. News flash you moron AOC. BIDEN is not the president. He is an illegal occupyer of the office and all who support him are GUILTY OF TREASON

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