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34 thoughts on “OC Police Officers Out Of Control?”

  1. What’s up with the FAKE Christian April Jackson and her issue with Rita’s and how jackson is hell bent on revenge God already knows jackson is not a real Christian and is why she is cursed by Him. God tried to warn her for her evil lying immoral ways not so long ago but she is so filled with the devil she ignores His warnings

    1. no different than years past – but agree, there will be MORE!!! Best they start recruiting NOW for next year!

      That would be money well spent – rather than a future parking garage westside of the inlet because someone “likes” that idea. An idea that doesn’t fiscally represent the future. Bridges need fixin too! Can’t get to a parking garage (used really during the season) if folks can’t get into town!

      Just sayin

    1. If he had not continued smoking and resisting none of this would have happened.
      This all rests solely on black people
      The laws apply equally to you.

    2. When rule breakers stop.

      So its ok when LEOs request to stop something or ask for ID – the answer now is NO? Thats lack of respect for law enforcement and will escalate from there.

  2. If you watch the complete video which this does not show you will see the complete story. I have said this in the past and it still stands as a way to stay safe. If you want to break the rules and the laws then you have to take what ever happens. I stand behind our local, state and federal law enforcement.

  3. At face value, and without context, it is quite easy to jump to conclusions. Certainly if there is a misconduct issue this video would be part of that.

  4. Damn. Don’t look good does it. Well, here’s my 2 cents. The OC officials and powers that be issue these ridiculous policies, like no vaping, then the police have to enforce ridiculous policies. The officials stand back and don’t take any heat for their stupidity. All boys were all cut loose. Then you have ignant boys like this that just want to screw with the police, and not do what they’re told. They think it’s their boardwalk, and everyone else be damned. I’m with the police on this one. If you want a beat down OC is the place to get it, IF you think you don’t have to obey the laws in town. This kind of shit gives these types street cred. So you softies out there that only see a kid getting kneed, hang out with him and his posse for awhile, you’ll see. You have no idea what it takes to enforce the law. And then nothing happens because they’re cut loose. It about setting an example also. If anything OC is lenient as hell.

    1. “cut loose” – no dear they were charged and released. you fail to mention the truth to support your fake narrative.

      it takes a very stupid black boy to think this gives him street cred. by the end of the year his stupidity will have him 6 feet under. that’s the only cred this brings

      1. That’s what cut loose means…DEAR.. I know what happened. Street cred is street cred, to your peers whether it kills you or not. Obviously you know nothing of the streets. Keep watching that CNN.

        1. you are correct, I am not some gang banging piece of $hit, and I do not watch CNN. So far you are batting zero and totally witless.

  5. lol – 4 black boys who disobeyed a rule in place to not smoke on the boardwalk, continued to when asked to stop and then resisted arrest and assaulted police. I notice the beginning of the video missed all that – but it does catch two out of three assaulting officers.

    The author – Murder-ink-bmore on Instagram – seeks money for advertising on his page and is from the shithole Baltimore. Funny how those from baltimore seem to think their input on how we run our communities is valid when black boys there make a weekend of killing each other.

    BLM got black boys running around acting like rules do not apply to them and then cry like little bit@hes when they get arrested and or hurt when resisting.

  6. Were these the “good” boys that were spitting at the police. The ones they found with weaspons? The ones that were told they were breaking the ordinance so they walked away and started breaking it again? The ones that resisted arrest and refused to give the officers their names? The ones that tried to throw a bike at police? Such good boys I don’t know why the police didn’t just let them walk away so they could use those weapons on someone that disagreed with.

  7. With the society today – the answer is yes.

    Line was drawn years ago and instigation by those in question gets worse and worse by the day. No smoking/vaping/obscenities signs are not LAWS, simple city ordinances. So there is no true breaking of the law here. Hell come on, everyone would be in jail with breaking laws. City ordinances are in place for everyone to stay safe and enjoy. LEOs are here to assist, provide enforcement when necessary. “Ma’am/sir – can’t vape/smoke on the boards….” traditional response has been OK officer. Not anymore, LEOS are immediately challenged, hell breaks loose and within 2-3 days video is on national TV.

    OC has been making so many rules over the last 10 years and we continue to see the after effects. Not saying its wrong, just no longer fits in today’s society with challenging everything.

    Feel for our LEOs and definitely feel for those newbie “Public Safety” cadets.
    Who would want a LEO job in today’s environment?

    Wow oh Wow.

    1. I think there was one stupid white chick holding her phone camera in an officers face.
      She’s got no dog in that fight, she’s a special kinda moron.

  8. Cancel OC. The No smoking ban is totally out of place OUTSIDE!!!! THE POLICY stinks worse then cigerette smoke, smells like facsim

  9. I can’t wait for the Burn Loot Murder crowd to start blocking the streets of O.C. The police there are going to have a field day beating the crap out of them. That will be fun to watch.

  10. it’s will be the same old story with these thugs. Baby daddy a thug Baby momma a gross fat slob who made multiple babies with multiple thugs. Animals are truly more civilized

    1. Or if John Deere had come along 100 years earlier. Either one could have saved us from what we have today. Lol even though it is not funny!

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