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Mayor Scott calls on Gov. Hogan to restore $300 unemployment benefit, or else

Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott threatened to override the governor’s orders with legislative action if Gov. Larry Hogan does not restore the $300 federal unemployment benefit in Maryland.

The letter was issued by Mayor Scott, Baltimore City Council President Nick Mosby and Baltimore City Comptroller Bill Henry.

The group strongly urged the governor to reconsider.

he letter lists reasons why the benefit should be extended. They say the payments were intended to support populations disproportionately hit hard by the pandemic. They also note that the unemployment rate in Baltimore City is 31% higher than the rate across Maryland as a whole. They also say that the extra money would boost consumer spending which would help small businesses.

At the end of the letter, the group issued this threat:

If you refuse to bear in mind the plight of everyday Baltimoreans, we must call on the Maryland General Assembly to exercise their authority to restore access to these crucial federally-funded programs.

The governor’s office responded, saying that there are more jobs available now than there were before the pandemic. A spokeperson said:

Employers across the city and the region are eager to hire–especially in the hospitality industry, with more than 6,000 job openings alone on the Maryland Workforce Exchange.

On Monday afternoon, FOX45 News questioned Hogan about the letter sent by Baltimore City leaders earlier in the day.

“I didn’t see the letter but they can send me letters everyday – we just have a difference of opinion and nothing’s gonna change,” said Hogan.


12 thoughts on “Mayor Scott calls on Gov. Hogan to restore $300 unemployment benefit, or else”

  1. Or else? A threat?

    “Yes” cannot always be the answer to everything – yet society is now poised to challenge everything – wow.

    Going forward, we seem to be on the wrong path – indeed.


    1. Riot in OC? Me thinks this weekend, packed airshow and prrrrrrrfect weather.

      Thunderbird for everyone!!!!
      (snicker snicker)

      1. No way. There are not buses or drivers for them much less parking places. Just how many additional drivers can they put on the street in less than days? They can claim a million $ raise but it can’t be executed.

  2. Or else what? Always get their way with damn threats. Get a job and earn your way in life. Quit living on handouts. I hate this damn gimme, gimme, gimme society of today. bah humbug!!!

  3. Amazing ADOLPH HOGAN doing the right thing for a change. Hogan has done nothing constructive since he was first elected. Hogan has went against all his campaign promises and showed his true side. It is called being a DEMOCRAT

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