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Gov. Greg Abbott to Newsmax: I’m Going to Do Biden’s Job on Border

Texas is taking the border crisis into its own hands, issuing a disaster declaration because “the Biden administration has abandoned it,” according to GOP Gov. Greg Abbott on Newsmax.

“They’re completely ignoring the crisis on the border, and because of that, as governor, I am having to step up and do the federal government’s job,” Abbott told  “Greg Kelly Reports” on Wednesday.

“We are going to instill safety. We’re going to be doing things in Texas that no state has ever done before when it comes to cracking down on anybody coming across the border. We’re going to step up and secure the border even more than we already are.”

Abbott told Kelly he has already deployed more than 1,000 Texas Department of Public Safety officers as well as National Guard troops.

“We’re going to ratchet up our efforts along the border to make sure we help secure our state and our country,” Abbott vowed.

Abbott added that U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas “seems to live in a different universe.”


5 thoughts on “Gov. Greg Abbott to Newsmax: I’m Going to Do Biden’s Job on Border”

  1. Have all the State provided law enforcement wear Joe Biden facemarks and shoot first then ask questions.

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