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Criminals “fear no consequences,” says BPD Police Commissioner Harrison

Amid surging shooting and in the aftermath of an explosive Holiday weekend Baltimore Police Commissioner Michael Harrison appeared on WBAL Radio.

“It’s a lack of consequences for carrying guns, fear or a lack of fear for those consequences.”

Those words, often repeated by critics took many by surprise including Republican State Delegate Kathy Szeliga.

“It is refreshing to hear the Commissioner say criminals don’t fear consequences because you know you can’t solve a problem until you admit you have it,” she said.

What Harrison didn’t do is place responsibility but Szeliga does, on the City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby.

“The whole premise of don’t arrest people and don’t prosecute people turns into what we have which is lawlessness,” said Szeliga referring to Mosby’s decision not to prosecute low level offenses but instead to focus on major crime.


5 thoughts on “Criminals “fear no consequences,” says BPD Police Commissioner Harrison”

  1. Queenie jefferson

    Just reading the latest about Minniapolis. All I can say is……..Poor Boogie, Boggie, BANG, bye bye. That would make a great chorus for a wrap song

  2. Get rid of the worst law ever, Maryland’s “Justice Reinvestment Act” and you will see crime go down. That piece of garbage law literally lets criminals get away with criminal activity.

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