These people are asking us to commit to drastic lifestyle changes. They want to ban the internal combustion engine, build wind farms, go heavy on solar, and quit eating beef. Trillions in economic activity must be sacrificed to save Mother Earth. I don’t think that’s going to fly. The so-called clean or green energy alternatives are not efficient. They can’t power our economy. The environmental Left knows that but advocates for these garbage energy sources anyway. It’s all about making America poorer. A less wealthy America is a healthier Earth, so they say.
So, how do they come up with the figures? How did they pinpoint what global temperature increase we have to avoid over the next couple of years.? It’s 1.5 degrees Celsius. That’s what CBS News’ climate guru Jeff Berardelli said.
CBS “climate specialist”: It’s critical the Earth not warm 1.5 degrees Celsius
CBS anchor: Why?
Climate specialist: Well b/c that’s the number “we chose”#Science
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) May 28, 2021
When pressed on the figure and how they came up with it, Berardelli merely said it’s just the number they decided to go with right now—that’s it, dude?