A majority of voters say the country is on the right track, a new Hill-Harris X poll finds.
Fifty-one percent of registered voters in the May 24-25 survey said the country is on the right track.
By contrast, 41 percent of respondents said the country is on the wrong track and 8 percent are unsure.
Seventy-seven percent of Democrats said the country is on the right track along with 58 percent of independents.
Seventy-one percent of Republicans said the opposite.
Eighty-two percent of President Biden voters said the country is on the right track while 82 percent of voters who cast their ballots for Donald Trump said the reverse.
A 2020 Hill-HarrisX survey found 62 percent of voters said the country is on the wrong track while 38 percent said the right track.
“Americans have generally been pessimistic about the direction of the country since at least the 2008 financial crisis and the great recession. Now, for the first time in a long while voters are starting to say that the country is heading on the right track, suggesting hope and optimism are taking root as we emerge from the pandemic lockdowns, people get vaccinated, and the economy opens back up,” Dritan Nesho, CEO and chief pollster at HarrisX, told Hill.TV.
Just pulled the Dems, no doubt..
Majority of voters my behind. If a election can be rigged, a poll should be a snap. Majority of voters may be tired of these bullshit lies. President Donald J. Trump is my president.
It’s on the track to destruction.
Obviously. NO republicans or people with at a little sense were included in this pool. Nothing but bs
100 illegal aliens per hour breaching the border. Last year 25 per day last year.
3.00 per gal. gas. Last year, 2.00 and change.
Another 3 trillion in debt. 3 more on the way.
Anybody who says Bidumb and Dims are doing great should be sent for a friggin drug test, right away. Ignorance
is a sad affliction and unfortunately this Country is eaten up with it.
Yeah, Dammed if we ain’t flying high, the sad part is the dumbasses who propagate this dam foolery and believe it, live in a fantasy World. There’ll come a day when things and folks will come down to some hard testing and these idiots will be be the first ones to HIDE and with any luck, the first ones to die. Their day is coming.
You believe that? If you do, I have some beach front property in AZ I’ll sell you. Cheap!
Well, this Certainly is a Lieing ass Democrat Poll > Full of shhht !!!!
Right Track to > COMMUNISM !!!!!
Like anyone with half a brain takes polls very seriously, especially this one that was ginned up for PR and nothing else.
Majority of Voters voted for T R U M P 2020 !!!! Period Democrats pulled off a COUPE & it is TREASON !!!!
No they didn’t. Grow up and move on with your life.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL What kind of bulls**t is that? No one thinks the country is on the right track unless they are as crazy as our president.