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Harris Opposes Biden Budget: Radical Agenda Acts to Harm Our Economy and Saddle Future Generations with Debt

WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) opposed President Biden’s $6 trillion Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Budget.  If enacted, this debt-busting budget would represent the largest budget as a percentage of the American gross domestic product since World War II.

Congressman Harris issued the following statement:

“It is no surprise that President Biden tried to quietly release his budget on Friday afternoon leading into a holiday weekend hoping American taxpayers will not realize that this liberal wish list of radical spending and massive tax hikes will damage an economy ready to rebound from the pandemic and further saddle future generations with enormous debt.  As the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer team seeks to remake America in their own socialist image, regular Americans are beginning to feel the realities of these big government policies: higher prices at the pump, inflation at the hardware and grocery stores, and a broken labor market unable to find employees to fuel our badly needed recovery.  The massive deficit tax and spend policies of the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer team in pursuit of their radically socialist agenda are reckless and will harm not only this generation, but many to come.”

12 thoughts on “Harris Opposes Biden Budget: Radical Agenda Acts to Harm Our Economy and Saddle Future Generations with Debt”

  1. I see the woke rino Governor was in town and all the sycophant business people were inline for their turn up his arse

    1. Yeppers and the worst thing imaginable happened. Rain rain and more rain. Packed island but minimal help at most establishments. Been an interesting and memorable kickoff to the season. Next up on the schedule June Bugs!

  2. Just wait, when the low skill jobs make as much as a skilled talented trades the inflation will really kick in as those skilled trades double their wages to offset their need to be better poised in the economy. It may then be cheaper to just buy new rather than fix things unless you can fix it yourself.

    1. Not a bad idea to learn to fix things…and if possible learn another trade. Its not like trades will ever go away, no matter how much automation is pushed on the next gen. Git all your degrees with debt and find out it does take time to find a job and years experience before you make money….not to mention all the bills and Uncle Sam with his had out.

  3. The Coupe of 2020 has put Biden & his Criminals in office to Ruin America & they are doing a Good Job of it !!!!!

  4. Democrats must keep You Slaves Poor so You can’t Fight Back !!!!! Raise YOUR TAXES !!!! Some More !!!!!

  5. Americans have been Saddled with DEBT since WW1 !!!!! We fight the wars then we rebuild all the other
    Countries !!!!!

    With our $$$$$$ !!!!!

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