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Superintendent of Wicomico County Public Schools Makes Excuses for Using Inappropriate Materials

On May 17, 2021 a report was released by the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition titled:

Wicomico County Board of Education Continues to Expose Minors to Obscenity” If you did not already read this report and see the samples of the books, we encourage you to first read the original article at the link above before hearing the Superintendent’s response. On May 21, 2021 the Wicomico County Board of Education attended a Wicomico County Council meeting to discuss school funding for the new year. After the WCBOE made their short presentation, Councilman Joe Holloway had some very serious questions for the WCBOE and its Administration on the use of obscene books in the schools. We applaud the Councilman for being bold and asking these questions, which unexpectedly threw the Superintendent off guard. Play the video below to hear the Superintendent’s response of excuses:

Councilman Holloway asks: “What’s the purpose of having books like that in our schools?”

Superintendent replies: “We are currently reviewing the books based upon the concern that was expressed. Typically, we receive those concerns if there’s a parent concern about a book in a media center through the school rather than through the media, but in any case we will be going through our process, taking a look at them, and making sure that they are appropriate for our media collections. One of the books in fact, that had been mentioned in the the post, was that concern was expressed several years ago, and that book is no longer in general circulation.” So, we do have a process where we review the books, and that’s our plan.”

Councilman Holloway asks: “How did they get there?”

Superintendent Hanlin replies: “Quite honest with you Mr. Holloway, I’ve been reviewing that process that was put in place by a previous superintendent. But it’s my understanding that media specialists, when they want to put a book in the in the collection, that there are some required documents, which have to do with reviews by…. and I’m trying to think of what some of the organizations, but there are some organizations that determine the appropriateness of books for media centers. But obviously, people have varied views on books that are in our media centers, and so just because they pass that review and are entered in the collection doesn’t mean that we aren’t open to reviewing and considering moving something out of the out of the collection, out of general circulation, or determining that it’s appropriate.”


9 thoughts on “Superintendent of Wicomico County Public Schools Makes Excuses for Using Inappropriate Materials”

  1. It does no good to go and sit down and just have a disagreement with pedophiles … These Marxists would gather at your house and try to burn it down if they disagree with you … turnabouts and fair play

  2. She knows / knew exactly what these books were and their context. She admits she has not reviewed previous polices and also admits she agrees with these indoctrination of our children. She is not looking out for the welfare / betterment of our children and their education.

    Her admissions should mean she is not suitable for the job. My tax dollars tells me one thing.


  3. So in other words Dr. Hamlin, obscene items can be placed into schools because a media specialist chooses the item/book with no real oversight. How about this Dr. Smarty Pants: have a published list of all media materials available online for public viewing and keep it updated yearly. Leave a link on the main landing page and add a comments section.

    Or not, because that would be just too transparent and the liberal left in the schools would be exposed for what they are.

    Please don’t tell us this can’t be done – everything is automated and every media specialist in the county can produce a detailed list via the electronic record.

    The above would have been the correct answer for Mr. Holloway – maybe you should implement this ASAP and share that with the rest of us. I for one would be more than willing to review each school’s list and add my commentary. Maybe that extensive salary listing shared on this site the other day will motivate you to do something to earn it, eh?

    1. So in other words, books with inappropriate subjects in your mind are wrong…..yet walking the boardwalk or sitting on the beach doesnt ever reflect anything obscene or disgusting? Music lyrics? Vids on computers or cell phones? Family gatherings? Sex is worse than daily killings or even war?

      Ok, wish i lived in your perfect world.

      1. Yes! Along that same line of reasoning, one can also hear the Gospel preached or sung on the boardwalk or watch a man painstakingly create a sand sculpture of the agony of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on the cross as He voluntarily laid down His perfect life to save us all. Therefore you would willingly support both of these activities being promoted in our school system as well.

      2. To respond, inappropriate books are wrong in schools. Do what you want on the boardwalk or wherever else you go, but children are off limits. Take your BS elsewhere.

  4. Fire Dr. Hamlin NOW!!!! Not later, not maybe, not after an investigation………..but NOW!!!! We refuse to have her feeding our innocent children this BS! She simply must go!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The real joke in this segment is how the acting C.E. and his speechbox sit back and smirk at each other. Not either one of them say anything to the B.O.E. elites. Psota and his “Henchsnob” both need to be terminated.

    Kudos to Mr Holloway for questioning” THE ELITE” who has the biggest bloated unneeded budget request in the whole network.

  6. hanlan briggs and the rest of them are just riding the gravy train for as long as they can. total nincompoops.
    and you lazy ass parents get what you deserve. glad my kids are no longer in such a dysfunctional system. go along to get along! used to go to the boe meetings rarely saw more then a handful of parents there! so you get what your lazy asses demand, nothing but lip service!

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