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Men Thrown Out of Yankee Stadium for Hanging ‘Trump Won’ Banner

Two men were booted from Yankee Stadium after unraveling a banner saying “Trump Won Save America” at the Yankees-Blue Jays doubleheader Thursday.

Photos revealed by New York Post show the men hanging the flag from the second deck. At one point a man from the deck below reportedly attempted to pull the banner down before security guards arrived.

Video footage of the incident shows the two men struggling with the flag as the guards surround them. They are then escorted from the stadium to a mixture of cheers and boos from the crowd. One of the two men appears to have been handcuffed.


a yankees fan where a shirt that reads judge on the back flips an obscene gestures at fans waving a trump banner

7 thoughts on “Men Thrown Out of Yankee Stadium for Hanging ‘Trump Won’ Banner”

  1. That is one beautiful banner. Thank you to the ones that displayed it. The boo’s had to be because they came after the good guys.

  2. Have a Million man March on D.C with these Banners to show America Solidarity against Democrats !!!!!

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